Sports complex proves its worth in first-year results
Date: December 11, 2019
Author: Vicksburg Post Editorial Board
It is great when your best hopes become a reality. It’s even better when that reality far and away exceeds your hopes.
Such is the case with the Sports Force Parks on the Mississippi and the results from their first year — actually partial first year — of operation.
Those results were part of the annual report filed by the company with the city of Vicksburg this month. The annual report, along with quarterly reports, are filed as part of the company’s agreement with the city.
In the report, the company said tournaments and events at the park since opening weekend in February attracted more teams and visitors than predicted in its first-year forecasts. In total, 785 teams played at the park, with 135,000 visitors passing through the gates.
Teams also recorded 5,700 nights at area hotels and combined with their supporters, accounted for a $12.4 million economic impact in Vicksburg and Warren County. That’s just the first year.
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